Hi, I'm Renée!

I'm a full-stack developer.

I am a jazz musician &
full-stack developer
based in NYC.

I specialize in engineering beautiful,
functional web UI and supporting
them with clean, elegant code.

Renée Cruz smiling headshot
designer logo

Front-end Development

I am skilled in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and React. My work incorporates UX design standards, such as user personas, site maps, wireframes, and usability testing.

developer logo

Back-end Development

I work with Ruby on Rails, APIs, PostgreSQL. I focus on keeping my code clean and efficient, and I make it a habit to stay up to date on current best practices.

The Horacle

The Horacle | Madlibs Astrology Oracle

Interactive Oracle prompt co-creates a user’s future by choosing words for fun and generating a random prediction.

  • Generated random Madlib data by GET request to RESTFUL Rails API backend, used Ruby & JS for logic wordbank
  • Created an interactive UI using pure CSS to enable a toggle switch for the user to between light and dark mode
  • Implemented Fetch to query and retrieve data from external Horoscope & Astrology API to render daily horoscope
  • Established a link to Twitter API to publish user’s generated madlib horoscope on their individual Twitter account

The Horacle - Github Frontend | Github Backend | Demo | Deployed Web App

Small Shop

Small Shop | Online Entrepreneurship

Online Shop Web App for e-commerce entrepreneurs provides secure functionality to persist user’s cart and account.

  • Authorized users via JSON Web Tokens and localStorage to store encrypted user information client-side for login and perisit functionality.
  • Implemented React JS to create reusable UI components for modularity and dynamic routing using React-Router
  • Utilized Redux to create a single source of truth in handling persistence of the user’s account and cart logic
  • Employed REST Client to query data structures from H&M Inventory API to populate items model in the backend

Small Shop - Github Frontend | Github Backend | Demo | Deployed Web App


Doggo-Doption | Pet Adoption Web App

Pet adoption web app connects users to their new best friends and allows them virtual adoption in their secure account.

  • Implemented React JS and React Router to create unique URLs & UI composed of reusable components
  • Utilized JSON Web Token Authentication, BCrypt and localStorage to authenticate and authorize the user
  • Fetched data from Dog CEO API and incorporated Faker Gem to generate dog data to Frontend
  • Built Backend API using Ruby on Rails and designed database schema using Active Record and Postgres DB

Doggo Doption - Github Frontend | Github Backend | Demo | Medium Article Tech Blog

Renée Cruz, Doggo-Doption, Pet Adoption Web App Demo

Coder Pinterest

Coder Pinterest | Learn Ruby on Rails

A Ruby on Rails Web App that provides learning resources.

Renée Cruz, The Horacle Madlibs Astrology Horoscope Generator Demo

The Horacle | Madlibs Astrology

Renée Cruz, The Horacle Madlibs Astrology Toggle Demo
Renée Cruz, The Horacle Madlibs Astrology Light Mode Demo
Renée Cruz, The Horacle Madlibs Astrology Dark Mode Demo
Renée Cruz, The Horacle Madlibs Astrology Horoscope Generator Demo
The Horacle

Small Shop | E-Commerce for Entrepreneurs

Renée Cruz, Small Shop Web App Demo
Renée Cruz, Small Shop Web App Demo
Renée Cruz, Small Shop Web App Demo
Renée Cruz, Small Shop Web App Demo
Renée Cruz, Small Shop Web App Demo
Renée Cruz, Small Shop Web App Demo
Small Shop

Small Fun, Personal Projects: 🤓 🖤

🤓 Vanilla JavaScript Quiz App: live

💅 CSS Modal: live

🦄 CSS Keyframes Animation + 💅 Affirmation: its aliiive

💜 CSS &JS Relax & Breathe Animation: ive

🦇 Web-Scraper Rails API & React Frontend: live